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Entrust Publications is the publisher for educational and inspirational materials created by Randy and Deanna Harrison for training Christian leaders. Our mission is taken from Paul’s exhortation to Timothy, “And what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim 2:2). Randy and Deanna have been producing practical tools for training faithful men and women in Africa and France since 1979. After sharing some of the concepts from these materials in churches across the United States, they have received numerous requests to publish these materials in English. Randy published Overwhelmed by the Spirit in 2013. He has used the French version of this material (Bouleversé par l’Esprit) to help Christian leaders in Africa for more than 20 years. It is our hope that your questions and comments will help us produce and develop future publications.

Overwhelmed by the Spirit opens with the author's eyewitness account of an overwhelming manifestation of God's power and transitions quickly into an extensive biblical study on the various experiences with the Spirit described in Luke and Acts. Examining these highly debated passages within the context of Luke's literary strategy, the author discovers an essential key to their understanding. Much of the vocabulary Luke uses to describe the work of the Spirit is tailored to demonstrate the fulfillment of specific Old Testament prophecies. This crucial component in Luke's reasoning leads to a coherent comprehension of all Luke's controversial expressions about the Spirit. Peppered with illustrations from the author's life and ministry, the book retains a very practical emphasis. The last chapter offers practical advice taken from clues in Luke-Acts on seeking the empowering of the Holy Spirit for our own lives and ministries. Impassioned experience and solid biblical research come together in this important study.

By paying attention to the diverse biblical passages that readers in one group or another sometimes ignore, Randall Harrison's Overwhelmed by the Spirit provides an extraordinarily balanced biblical theology of the Spirit and empowerment for mission. He communicates this work biblically, passionately and with a focus on what matters--God's presence and power and our mission for him.

--Craig Keener, F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary

Dear Moms at Prayer is a compilation of 52 letters form an Overseas Mom and Grandma on Praying for Third Culture Kids. Deanna Harrison is a mother of 3 children and grandmother to 7 grandchildren. She has a Doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary and has served for more than 40 years in cross-cultural ministry in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Burkina Faso and Cote d’Ivoire. She currently teaches Practical Theology at FATEAC--the West Africa Alliance Seminary. As the coordinator for Moms at Prayer, she has been instrumental in promoting, encouraging and inspiring prayer for the children of global servants in Africa since 2010.


"Deanna and I worked in conjunction for many years in Africa. She is a dedicated woman of deep compassion and heart for God. Deanna draws from a lifetime of ministering overseas in varied contexts for these prayer guides, which will bless your heart, bring you to tears, and leave you gasping at the depth of insight. She leads us to prayer, touching heart longings for which we haven't had words, sprinkled with parental advice. In doing so she strums the deepest inner chords of our own struggles, and the perspectives of children raised as world citizens. You'll love reading and rereading it, and you'll want to gift it."

Marcia Braun, Retired Africa US Regional Leader


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